If you are committed to your career advancement, it's time to consider a job promotion. Trouble is, if you're like most ambitious career climbers, you definitely want a promotion. But you're not too excited about asking for one. Here are six tips that can put you on the path to a successful job promotion: 1. Do your homework before you do anything.
What have others in your organization done to get promoted? What is the basis your boss uses for promotions? . . . performance? . .
. creativity? . .
. friendship? 2. Ask your boss what you can do to make yourself more valuable to the company. And ask him/her during a routine performance review. NEVER ask for a promotion. Instead, ask how you can make a larger contribution.
3. Be prepared to demonstrate your accomplishments and contributions. And do it very specifically by the numbers. I mean by that you should quantify your results by showing dollars generated, percentage growth, savings, etc.
4. Work out some practical suggestions for improvement or bring to the table some new ideas. Write down your ideas in a presentation that you can leave behind for your boss to review.
5. Look for opportunities to take on responsibilities that go beyond your current job description. Gain more visibility by taking additional training, or signing up for in-house seminars. Make sure your boss knows about these career expanding activities.
6. Most importantly, take the time to generate chemistry and rapport with superiors. This does NOT mean buttering up your boss or paying unwelcome compliments. It does mean asking advice, being available to help out, looking for opportunities to take on an extra assignment or pitch in. A final piece of advice that can seriously upgrade your chances to get a promotion: get yourself a mentor! Find a more senior manager a couple levels above you--someone who is well-respected in the organization.
Turn that person into a career partner . . . a business friend who can offer suggestions about the best way to advance yourself.
A good mentor can turn you into a job promotion winner!.
Paul Megan writes for EEI, the world-class pioneer in alternative job search techniques and non-traditional career advancement strategies . . . since 1985. Grab our stunning FREE REPORT: "How To Lock Up A High-Paying Job In 14 Days (Or Less)!" Click on RSS! http://www.fastest-job-search.com